My favorite quote about the power of spirituality comes from Sadhguru, a mystic and a yogi who says, “Spirituality is about breaking your own limits." I find this statement deeply relatable because I see every spiritual path as a journey of the unbecoming.
From the time we are born, we adapt and learn who to be, how to act, what to think, and how to conduct this affair called life.
But the question is, “Does our belief system, who we are today, and how we think serve our highest goals or stand in the way of reaching them?”
Although this question may challenge everything we know and believe in, it allows us to live by choice, not by default of our upbringing.
When it comes to our spiritual growth, the mind plays a vital role. Since our mind is wired for the comfort of the known, it only accepts what feels familiar while lacking to differentiate between what is healthy and what isn’t. Therefore, it works on reinforcing the limitations we hold while resisting new, healthier ideas unless we become more conscious and mindful in our approach.
The key word here is conscious, and this is where our power lies. The first step towards overcoming our self-imposed limitations while peeling the layers of the past is to become aware of how we think, the subtle dialogue of our inner critic, and what beliefs govern our lives. Although this may seem a bit overwhelming, there are a few simple spiritual steps to begin the process of unbecoming while finding the way back to yourself.
Spiritual step #1 - Dive within through journaling
When a client comes to me and asks me, “How do I know what to look for or work on?”
I always direct them to look at areas of their life that aren’t the way they want. Often, if our desires in a personal or professional life struggle to come to fruition despite our best efforts, it is a result of unconscious beliefs we hold about ourselves or the situation.
Here is a simple exercise you can do.
Find a comfortable space free from distractions and do a few minutes of simple breathing exercises like box breathing. This will allow your mind to settle down and ground you.
Then, take the pen and paper or a notepad and start by working through these 3 journaling prompts:
- Pick one limiting belief that you hold and dissect it by questioning where this belief came from. Then, look for the evidence in your life that contradicts this belief by asking yourself, “Is this belief a concrete truth, or is there a slightest possibility that it isn’t? What are some of the examples of my life that contradict this belief?
- What are some common instances of this limiting belief interfering in my life, and how can I become more aware of them?
- Write a positive statement you tell yourself every time you notice this belief playing out in your life.
Spiritual step #2 - Connect with your inner child
Your inner child is always speaking to you. She may communicate when you are triggered, feeling upset, defeated, hopeless, or anxious.
Although these emotions don’t feel pleasant, and we may shy away from them, they are a gateway to a deeper understanding of ourselves and our inner child. Our triggers are signs of things we need to acknowledge and heal, and our fears represent the limits and doubts we carry.
When we connect with our inner child, we return to the root of our fears and limitations and allow ourselves to heal them on a fundamental level.
Here is a simple exercise you can try.
Find a comfortable place free from distractions.
Take 3 deep cleansing breaths, observe your body, and consciously release any tension by mentally whispering to yourself the word RELAX.
Then, visualize sitting next to your inner child and ask her these 3 questions:
“What do you need the most from me right now?”
“When doubt and fear enter my space, what are you trying to tell me by awakening these emotions?”
“What is the next best step I can take to begin healing these emotions and, therefore, healing both of us?”
Spiritual step #3 - Say a prayer
The journey of healing is complex and sometimes a little scary. Therefore, we can learn to find comfort in directing our thoughts and emotions toward faith and strength through prayer or a mantra.
One of the well-known mantras is Ho’oponopono, an ancient Hawaiian mantra for forgiveness and love.
Start by closing your eyes, placing your hands and your heart, and repeating these words at least 5 times:
“I am sorry.”
“Please, forgive me.”
“I love you.”
“Thank you.”
Then finish the prayer by saying: “I know there is a power that protects me, and this power lies within me at all times. I am safe, and there is nothing to fear. I am healed.”
You can adjust the last statement based on what resonates with you or adapt the one I provided.
Although your spiritual path may feel rocky at times, know that you are protected and there is more power and potential within you than your logical mind can grasp. Embrace where you are and know that healing is always available to you.
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