Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Spiritual Transformational Junkie

Spiritual Transformational Junkie

Are you a transformational junkie? Are you addicted to seeing major shifts after doing your spiritual exercises? Do you lose sight of what you are doing, get bored with it, or switch to something else if your ego thinks you are not making progress? 

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then chances are that you are a transformational junkie.

Addicted to Fast Pace

In our society, we are so addicted to things happening fast. The jobs, movies, social media, social videos, etc. tend to

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How to Release What is Holding you Back

How to heal what is holding you back

Releasing what is holding you back is a very big topic to address. As you are most likely aware, there are so many opinions and suggestions on how to do it. In this blog article, we are going to give you our tips based on the concept that we live in a creative, and energetic universe.

The law of attraction outlines the “rules” of the creative world. It’s a pretty simple concept on the surface, however, if you delve deeper into it, there are many nuisances to becoming

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Healing Spiritually by Moving Forward

Spiritual Healing

I recently did a spiritual retreat with let's say "Angela" from the East Coast. Before the retreat, Angela was given guidance on setting her intentions for a magical experience. Well, Angela took a different approach than most people. Angela sent me over 30 questions beforehand that she wanted answers to!

As per my guidance from my spiritual guides, IAM, I did not answer them. I just waited until she came.

As we talked, it became clear that Angela's major concern was her life mission. She needed to find

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A Spiritual Review of 2022

Spiritual Review of 2022

You are well on your way into the year 2023! This could be exciting for some, and yet a relief for others. 2022 proved to be a very challenging year for many people and for many reasons.

2022 was challenging if you had trouble letting go and surrendering to the flow, i.e. if there were control issues.

2022 was challenging if you were not aligned with following your heart and becoming more than what you have been thus far. So if you were dragging your feet and not

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Perfectionism is your Kryptonite

Trying to be Perfect

Is perfectionism your kryptonite? It is the kryptonite of many people, especially those trying to consciously create with the law of attraction. If you are trying to be perfect with everything that you do then you are not going to create the reality which you desire. You will stagnate your ability to heal as well as your ability to manifest all aspects of your life.

Listen in as IAM discusses the phenomenon of trying to be perfect. Listen to "Perfectionism is your Kryptonite" on Spreaker.

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Why Hit Rock Bottom before your Spiritual Awakening?

woman_hitting_rock_bottom_800X420 Blogs by Shawngela Pierce | Sedona Retreats

Do you have to hit rock bottom before your spiritual awakening or can you aspire to more without going through hell and back? What does the law of attraction dictate?

Listen in as IAM answers this question from a listener of our spiritual healing podcast.

Listen to our Podcast

Links from Podcast

Spiritual Nature Retreat in Sedona

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Spiritual Healing Tips #3

Spiritual Healing Tips #3

Do you feel like two separate people when it comes to your spiritual identity and then the “other person” that shows up when you are around certain people? Does this frustrate you? Well, hold on as we give you one powerful technique to “merge” the “other person” with your spiritual identity.

Old Habits

As we work to embrace our spiritual power, there will undoubtedly be old relationships where there is a tendency for you to fall back into old habits. In fact, this is a natural part of

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

In our society today - and it has been this way for ages - we are at a crux of who has the biggest stick and who can yell the loudest. We are even putting science at the forefront of being able to break the tie. Of course, the scientific “facts” used are skewed in whatever way is necessary to prove either side's points.

This is my belief and I will show you the science that backs it. Wait, your belief is different from mine. I have science

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What is Spiritual Healing?

What is Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing has several meanings and definitions. While you may think of spiritual healing from the perspective of you being a patient, we would like to broaden that view to include a more active role from you.

Spiritual Healing - Definition #1

The traditional view of spiritual healing centers on a spiritual healer allowing themselves to be a vector to facilitate the flowing of source spiritual energy through them. This source spiritual energy is then directed towards the client or patient by the hands of the healer.


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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Have you ever walked into a room and then immediately started to feel bad? Are you feeling overwhelmed and drained when you are around others? Do you dread being around certain individuals because it makes you feel bad?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you are picking up the energy field of the others. Yes, we are all energetic spiritual beings and we are all connected. However, we have our own energy aura that we can strengthen in order to allow the energy

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How to Embrace your Spiritual Power

how_to_embrace_your_spiritual_power Blogs by Shawngela Pierce | Sedona Retreats

In this day and age, the majority of people on this planet are living in a world that only sees itself in physical form. The concept of something non-physical or spiritual in nature is not at the forefront of most people’s awareness.

When you are living in this framework or 3rd dimensional view of the world, you subject yourself to “unspeakable” chaos in the world. You also subject yourself to the control of others. When you are unawakened on how you create your reality and your connection to

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 98

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 98

It is okay to spend time focused on you and your well-being - emotional, spiritual and physical. Regardless of what is going on in your life, it is okay to step back from your normal responsibilities and just take care of the bare minimum.

For those who follow me, you would have noticed that I have not been active on my blog or newsletter for a few months. At first I resisted taking time off. I am a small business owner and quite frankly taking time off did

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Is Judging Harmful to your Health?

Is Judging Harmful to your Health

Can judging yourself or others be harmful to your physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health? What does the law of attraction say about this? Could this be what is preventing your true healing? Tune in as IAM and Shawngela address these questions and more. 

Listen to My Podcast

Listen to "Judging is holding you back from true health" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Episode 13 of Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host Shawngela Pierce and in today's episode we are going to talk about judging

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Practice Visualizations for Healing

Practice Visualizations for Healing

In this creative world, the mind and your thoughts are king. By using visualization you can retrain your subconscious mind and therefore your body to vibrate at a different level. In essence, you raise your vibration and allow the lower vibratory energy to be released. This stuck physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual energy is holding you back from true health. Open to a basic form of spiritual healing.

Listen to my Podcast

Listen to "Change your DNA with Visualization and Heal" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 97

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 97

Live your truth of knowing this is a creative world. Live your truth of knowing you manifest everything in your life. Live your truth of knowing you are a spiritual being, first and foremost. Live your truth that you can heal.

It does not matter what others think about your truth. You do not need someone else’s permission nor do you need them to believe what you believe. 

You are the person who must live your life and they must live their lives. If someone does not

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Surrendering for Health

Surrendering for Health

Stop trying to control every step and learn to surrender to your spiritual power. Learn to trust that it is already done and let go. You can heal, but you must surrender to it.

Listen to My Podcast

Listen to "Surrendering is the answer to what ails you" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Episode 11 of Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host, Shawngela Pierce. In today's episode, we are going to talk about surrendering for healing. Before we begin, let's talk about this week's

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 96

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 96

Are you paying attention to how you feel when your work day ends? If you are not in the habit of assessing how you feel when you come home, make a point to do so starting now.

When you come home from work or even if you are working from home, shift the energy that you carry by literally shaking it up. Remember, we are all energetic beings and in order to raise our vibration, we must allow the energy to flow. 

If our energy is stuck because

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Changing your Mindset for Healing

Changing your Mindset for Healing

Changing your mindset or subconscious mind is pivotal for healing in a creative world. When you open to possibilities that you can heal, you literally open the door to create this in your reality. Without changing your mindset, you will be held in the limiting belief systems of yourself, others and the collective. This is law of attraction and spiritual healing.

Listen to my Podcast

Listen to "Is your Mindset limiting your ability to heal?" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM,  I'm

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Are you being too Serious?

Are you being too serious

Are you being too serious when it comes to manifesting health or consciously creating with the law of attraction? Learn why being too serious could be one of your major obstacles on your road to health and well-being.  

Listen to My Podcast

Listen to "Sabotaging your Spiritual Growth" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to another episode of Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host, Shawngela Pierce. In today's episode we are going to talk about being too serious. 

Before we begin, let's talk about this week's

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Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

As spiritual beings in a physical body, it is imperative to take care of your temple through exercise. We advocate doing moving meditations as your form of exercise because it allows for the free flow of energy. Doing exercises without paying attention to the flow of energy and how you feel, can and does create disharmony physically and emotionally. 

Listen to my Podcast

Listen to "Why you should practice a Moving Meditation" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host Shawngela

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