Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Your Liberation is Found Through Movement

Your Liberation is Found Through Movement

While meeting a new dog, the dog mom said,

 “If you take him for a walk in the morning, then he’s an awesome dog.”

I smiled and said “Same.”

While we may have 2 legs instead of 4, we share a lot of similar needs. Just like for dogs, movement is a key part of a human’s physical health - which is the foundational root of our experience in this world.

Most of us have been taught the physical benefits of movement - a longer life, stronger bones/muscles/heart/organs,

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How to Release What is Holding you Back

How to heal what is holding you back

Releasing what is holding you back is a very big topic to address. As you are most likely aware, there are so many opinions and suggestions on how to do it. In this blog article, we are going to give you our tips based on the concept that we live in a creative, and energetic universe.

The law of attraction outlines the “rules” of the creative world. It’s a pretty simple concept on the surface, however, if you delve deeper into it, there are many nuisances to becoming

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How to Use Aromatherapy for Spiritual Healing

Essential_Oils_for_Spiritual_Healing Physical Health Category

If you prefer using natural products, you've probably heard of essential oils — compounds extracted from plants to capture their "essence" or scent. Their healing properties are well-documented by scientists, with research showing that these complex organic substances contain multiple properties that yield positive psychogenic effects. They possess antimicrobial, antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties and have been shown to relieve stress, treat depression, and help with insomnia.

These benefits give insight into why essential oils provide holistic healing, as spirituality and mental health go hand-in-hand. When

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Are you being too Serious?

Are you being too serious

Are you being too serious when it comes to manifesting health or consciously creating with the law of attraction? Learn why being too serious could be one of your major obstacles on your road to health and well-being.  

Listen to My Podcast

Listen to "Sabotaging your Spiritual Growth" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to another episode of Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host, Shawngela Pierce. In today's episode we are going to talk about being too serious. 

Before we begin, let's talk about this week's

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Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

As spiritual beings in a physical body, it is imperative to take care of your temple through exercise. We advocate doing moving meditations as your form of exercise because it allows for the free flow of energy. Doing exercises without paying attention to the flow of energy and how you feel, can and does create disharmony physically and emotionally. 

Listen to my Podcast

Listen to "Why you should practice a Moving Meditation" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host Shawngela

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6 Natural Healing Tips

6 Natural Healing Tips

In my latest podcast episode, we talked about natural healing but not from the standpoint of what to consume. We talked about how to keep your energy flowing by understanding a simple concept.

If you have a tendency to put your focus on what you need to take and not on how it is released from your body, then this episode is important for you to hear.

At the end of the episode, I give 6 tips that you can use on your journey to manifest health.


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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 87

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 87

You are a spiritual being and your vessel or body is the "house" where your spirit resides. This makes your physical body very important because without it, you would not be able to be here in physical form. In fact, all “parts” of your being are important - the mind, body and spirit. They are all important because they are all interconnected. Your body is not a machine separated from your spirit or your mind. What one does affects the other.

For instance, your mind is very powerful

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 61

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 61

Relying solely on the intellectual mind generally causes confusion for the average person. This is because there is so much information out there and on top of that, so much of the information is conflicting.

Everyone has an idea of what is best for you. There are many experts on the right foods to eat, the foods to avoid, what exercise is best, what meditation is best for you, what alternative doctor to choose, etc. With all of this conflicting information it is no wonder why many are

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 39

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 39

The following is an excerpt from my latest book, Healing and the Law of Attraction

Your thoughts coming from the subconscious mind, conscious mind, as well as from collective consciousness, impact your vibrational level, and therefore impact your health. For simplicity’s sake, in this book we mostly address conscious and subconscious thoughts, however, the collective consciousness does play a role. It plays a role more so, when you are vibrating on “auto-pilot” and not aware of your part in creating your reality. The more you awaken your consciousness,

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4 Spiritual Spring Cleaning Steps - Law of Attraction Health

4 Spiritual Spring Cleaning Steps - Law of Attraction Health

Spring is upon us again and it is one of my favorite times of the year. I always feel a natural urge to cleanse and let go of whatever accumulated during the winter season or may have been “lurking” for quite awhile but now I am at the vibrational level to “expel it”. As such, I thought it was more than appropriate to share with you a 30 or 60-day spiritual cleaning challenge. It is an excellent way to let go of yet another layer of lower vibrational

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 26

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 26

Spring is traditionally thought of as the time of cleaning. A time to clean out the "stuffy house" that has been closed away for the winter and bring in the fresh, clean energy of spring. From a spiritual perspective, spring cleaning can be more than just cleaning out your house. The idea and sentiment of spring cleaning can be used as a springboard for you to clean out some “old emotional baggage” and start the process of “blossoming’ and “blooming” for the upcoming warm season.

As we discussed

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What can Meditation do for you?

Law of Attraction Question on Meditation and what it can do


How can meditation benefit me as I practice the Law of Attraction?



Meditation can help you shed your “skin” literally. Literally you are shedding away old layers of skin that do not serve you and bringing into light the new you. That new you will take many forms, depending on what you are shedding. For instance, if you are shedding an old angry vibe, then your new skin will be that of peace. 

Now as we know, there are many layers to this peace.

If you

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