Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 100

In our society today - and it has been this way for ages - we are at a crux of who has the biggest stick and who can yell the loudest. We are even putting science at the forefront of being able to break the tie. Of course, the scientific “facts” used are skewed in whatever way is necessary to prove either side's points.

This is my belief and I will show you the science that backs it. Wait, your belief is different from mine. I have science

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Have you ever walked into a room and then immediately started to feel bad? Are you feeling overwhelmed and drained when you are around others? Do you dread being around certain individuals because it makes you feel bad?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you are picking up the energy field of the others. Yes, we are all energetic spiritual beings and we are all connected. However, we have our own energy aura that we can strengthen in order to allow the energy

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 98

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 98

It is okay to spend time focused on you and your well-being - emotional, spiritual and physical. Regardless of what is going on in your life, it is okay to step back from your normal responsibilities and just take care of the bare minimum.

For those who follow me, you would have noticed that I have not been active on my blog or newsletter for a few months. At first I resisted taking time off. I am a small business owner and quite frankly taking time off did

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 97

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 97

Live your truth of knowing this is a creative world. Live your truth of knowing you manifest everything in your life. Live your truth of knowing you are a spiritual being, first and foremost. Live your truth that you can heal.

It does not matter what others think about your truth. You do not need someone else’s permission nor do you need them to believe what you believe. 

You are the person who must live your life and they must live their lives. If someone does not

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 96

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 96

Are you paying attention to how you feel when your work day ends? If you are not in the habit of assessing how you feel when you come home, make a point to do so starting now.

When you come home from work or even if you are working from home, shift the energy that you carry by literally shaking it up. Remember, we are all energetic beings and in order to raise our vibration, we must allow the energy to flow. 

If our energy is stuck because

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 95

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 95

There are different levels of awareness and of allowing. As you move towards opening your mind to new possibilities in this creative world, you may find yourself - at times - saying the words “I hear you, but…..the law of attraction does not apply here, the law of attraction does not cover this, that is not possible, you have to be logical about it, etc.” 

Everything that is said or thought after the but, is an indication of your vibrational level of consciousness and your ability to allow

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 94

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 94

Are you being duped by your ego? 

I have been duped by my ego. I have fallen back into the “scientific” attitude of thinking I was being the “objective” observer.

I am beginning to realize how telling the story of the "objective" observer of other people’s behavior is an egoic state and does not serve me. One person could not possibly be objective towards the behavior of another. Regardless of what we may think, our views are always filtered by what we think we know about human behavior. 

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 93

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought

As you become immersed into embracing your spiritual power - as a conscious creator - you will undoubtedly face tug of wars between what you know, what you say, and how you act.

On the one hand, you know certain aspects about the creative world because you have studied it immensely. However, on the other hand, there are still some deeply ingrained ways in which you act and speak with the outside world.

What do you do when you are in between two different paradigms? How do you

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 92

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 92

I have completed my first podcast and I have to say, it was pretty exciting!

The first episode begins with IAM setting the foundation by defining what “Embracing your Spiritual Powers” means from a practical standpoint.

Listen to "What does Spiritual Power mean?" on Spreaker.

Below is a brief recap of what they spoke about! Listen to the full episode above.

Spiritual Powers Defined

Embracing your spiritual powers means understanding who you are. You are a spiritual being first and foremost, housed in a physical body and living in

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 91

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 91

Is it wise to put your trust in the non-physical when it comes to your health? Why would a logically-minded person do that? Why would someone who is intelligent, knows about science/medicine hand it over to the "unknown?"

We are here are tell you that you can put your health in the hands of spirits - the non-physical, source, angels, or whatever you like to call it. You can do this because you were born with this connection to the non-physical.

You see, you are a spiritual being,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 90

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 90

You cannot lie to the universe with your words, thoughts or feelings. Just because you say one thing does not make you aligned with receiving it.

Now why do we point this out? We do this because some people are under the impression that they can just switch their words once and then that makes things "all better." Well you cannot lie to the universe. Who you are vibrationally must match what you are stating for all to hear. If what you are saying is at a lower

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 89

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 89

There is no need to run because every day I get to see myself and what I have created. Everything in my reality is a reflection of what lies within me. If I take the time to really observe this phenomenon, I can start to see the patterns and appreciate the beauty in this creative world.

For instance, I know the people I have attracted into my life are a reflection of my vibrational level. If I attract people who have a negative attitude and poor health,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 88

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 88

It is time to stop running from yourself. Yes, you. 

Now what do we mean by running from yourself? We mean ignoring the obvious energy that lies within you and continues to manifest in your life. Remember, you take you wherever you go.  

It is easy to blame others for what you perceive as the problems in your life. It is harder to take a look in the mirror to see the real creator of that reality. Yes, you. It is the rare one who happily

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 87

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 87

You are a spiritual being and your vessel or body is the "house" where your spirit resides. This makes your physical body very important because without it, you would not be able to be here in physical form. In fact, all “parts” of your being are important - the mind, body and spirit. They are all important because they are all interconnected. Your body is not a machine separated from your spirit or your mind. What one does affects the other.

For instance, your mind is very powerful

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 86

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 86

Things are not always what they seem in this creative world. We tend to think that what we see in front of us is actually the "truth." But what is the truth in a creative world? Is it not just what we have called forth? Are we not just living a vibrational match to our beliefs and nothing more?

If we can step back and take a look at life in that perspective, then "reality" takes on a whole new dimension. We step back from the ego that

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 85

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 85

As a conscious creator, you are aware that you create your reality, however, there is a tendency to get caught in the cycle of thinking you know how things are going to unfold at every step of the way. When things do not happen as you expect it to happen, there is a tendency to resist. Resistance comes in many forms - anger, disappointment, sadness, frustration, impatience, etc. When you are expressing these emotions, this means you are out of alignment, resisting the flow of what is happening,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 84

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 84


My daughter has a mark on her head, called hemangioma. She has had it since her birth. I am trying to heal her completely from that condition. I have been trying to do it using the Law of Attraction for more than a year but I don’t see any progress. The mark is still there. Doesn’t matter how much I stay positive and grateful, I still don’t see anything change. Please help me.


First and foremost, we must point out that all healing is self-healing and

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 83

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 83


When you are in pain, how do you know if your soul is telling you to choose a different path?


When you are in pain, that is a sign that your thoughts are out of alignment. Now the key is deciphering whether the thought that is causing you to feel bad is based in trust or based in fear. When you have a thought that is based on trust, and you start to feel bad, then your inner guides are telling you that what you are

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 82

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 82

Learn to “settle” into the present moment. When you can be present, you are fully letting go and trusting in the moment. You are not in your mind worried about the past, stressed about the unknown or thinking about what you need to do next. In essence, you are not resisting. You are allowing. In this state, you are a powerful creative being.

We are not saying that you should never plan ahead or visualize what is to come. We are only advocating spending more of your

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 81

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 81

When you are learning about the law of attraction, there is a tendency to get a sense that there is a 1 to 1 relationship to what you are visualizing/focusing on and what appears in your life. For instance, if you are consciously creating a new job, that the new job will appear in the exact same way you visualized it and in the order that you think it should come. In reality, it may not come to you as you may expect.

 If you are attached to

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