Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Webinar - Can you heal someone else

Law of Attraction Webinar - Can you heal someone

Is it possible to heal someone else? Do you believe you have been healed by another? What can you do for yourself or to help another in the healing process? These are important questions to understand for those who are on a journey to becoming healthy.

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as we answer all of these questions and more!

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Can you heal someone?
  • Can someone heal you?
  • Holding a vibration of healing for someone else
  • Developing your own vibration of
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Webinar - New Year Subconscious Shift

Law of Attraction Webinar

If you are thinking it is too early to think about the New Year, think again! The New Year is a collective consciousness movement centered around transformation and turning over a new leaf. It is a great way to use this momentum to jettison your own personal transformation.

Having said this, many people lose this momentum and fall back into old habits. In this 30-minute webinar, we will give you practical tips on how to build up momentum and get your subconscious mind ready and prepped for your

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Webinar - The Role of the Subconscious Mind

Webinar - The Role of the Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind plays a critical role in both the asking and allowing aspects of the law of attraction. It is not your conscious thoughts, but your subconscious thoughts that hold the key to your transformation.

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss the subconscious mind and how it has either been helping you or hindering you from the life you desire. Remember we are creative beings, living in a world where thoughts are important. As a result, mastering your thoughts can prove to be the

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 41

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 41

The power of being present or presence, can never be overstated. Presence frees you from chaotic thoughts in your mind that do not serve you. Presence keeps you in a state of allowing because again, you are not resisting by way of your negative thoughts. You are just grounded and in the present moment. You are literally “out of your mind” and not mulling over what happened in the past, or anticipating the future. You are like a tree, firmly rooted in this present moment.

Of course, thinking

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Webinar - Law of Attraction and Meditation

Webinar - Law of Attraction and Meditation

How can meditation help you with the law of attraction? What are the benefits as it applies to a creative world? Will meditation help you to become a more effective conscious creator?

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss the benefits that meditation brings to consciously creating more effectively. Remember we are creative beings, living in a world where thoughts are important. As a result, mastering your thoughts can prove to be the missing piece of your puzzle.

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Benefits of
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Webinar - Telling a Different Story

Telling_a_Different_Story_Webinar Tag Webinar | Law of Attraction Blog

What story has your conscious and subconscious mind been telling your entire life? Are these stories helping or harming you? Are these stories supporting your quest for health and happiness or are they hindering it? Would you like to learn how to tell a different story?

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss the role your conscious and subconscious stories play in your life. Remember we are creative beings and what we think unfolds in many ways in our life. Understanding this is key to mastering

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Webinar - How can I improve my health?

Webinar - How can I improve my health?

Do you need a basic framework on how to improve your health? Are you experiencing a chronic dis-ease and have not been able to get the help you need? Are you jumping from one treatment to the next without much success?

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss how you can improve your health with some basic law of attraction principles and guidelines. These simple steps are often overlooked by many but we will tap into some key concepts that could open the door for your

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Webinar - What is Law of Attraction Healing?

Webinar - What is Law of Attraction Healing?

What is Law of Attraction Healing? Is this some type of natural healing method? Does it mean that I have to do this on my own with self-healing?

These are just some of the questions we will address in this 30 minute webinar. Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction but may not truly understand its implication as it relates to your health and healing process.

Join me for a live 30-minute webinar as we discuss Law of Attraction Healing and what it really means for

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What is Allowing? | A Law of Attraction Question

 What is Allowing?

Note: As part of our Law of Attraction Webinar Series, we discussed Allowing and the Law of Attraction. Feel free to watch the entire webinar (see video below) or continue reading for a synopsis of what we discussed.


What does allowing mean from a Law of Attraction perspective?


If you are practicing the law of attraction, then you have undoubtedly heard the word allowing. Despite it being a commonly used word, most people only grasp the concept intellectually but don’t truly understand it - that is from a

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Webinar - Feelings and Alignment

Webinar - Feelings and Alignment

What role do feelings have in consciously creating with the law of attraction? Are feelings important? How do you know if you are in alignment? Not knowing is one of the common mistakes in practicing the law of attraction!

These are just some of the questions we will address in this 30 minute webinar. Feelings play a very important role in knowing if you are allowing or if you are restricting but most people either don’t understand or don’t know how to apply it.

Join me for a

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Webinar - Allowing and the Law of Attraction

Allowing and the Law of Attraction Webinar

Do you truly understand the concept of allowing? It is talked about all the time, but what is it? How do you allow? What prevents you from allowing abundance in your life?

Consciously creating with the law of attraction requires awareness, knowledge and work until it becomes literally ingrained in your essence and becomes second nature. Now you can make the work fun and easy or make it hard and a terrible experience. We are here to help you make it as fun and as easy as it

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5 Key Law of Attraction Mistakes and how to Fix Them

5 Common Law of Attraction Mistakes

Are you like most people, who hear about the law of attraction and get astounded by what you can create? Have you watched the Secret movie, and now are ready to start manifesting everything you have ever wanted in life? Well, hold on a minute. While there maybe an abundance of enthusiasm bubbling up inside of you, let’s put a slight reign on it for now and learn some of the key mistakes people make when practicing the law of attraction.

Now why would we want to

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Webinar - Why is the Law of Attraction not working for me?

Webinar Why is the Law of Attraction Not Working for Me

Are you having trouble consciously creating with the law of attraction? Are you aware of the common mistakes but still can't quite figure out how this relates to your manifestations? Do you need more guidance? 

Consciously creating with the law of attraction requires awareness, knowledge and work until it becomes literally ingrained in your essence and becomes second nature. Now you can make the work fun and easy or make it hard and a terrible experience. We are here to help you make it as fun and as

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Faith and the Law of Attraction

Faith and the Law of Attraction

Faith is a key aspect in practicing the law of attraction. Unfortunately, the problem is that most people only have a broad understanding of what it truly means and how it relates to consciously manifesting with the law of attraction. Are faith and belief the same thing or are they just closely related? How does one develop faith? What role does the subconscious mind play in developing faith and belief?

When I wrote this webinar with the help of my spiritual guides, IAM, I was amazed at the

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Webinar - Common Mistakes in using the Law of Attraction

Webinar Common Mistakes in using the Law of Attraction

Are you aware of some of the common mistakes in using the law of attraction? Are you making mistakes without being aware of them? Do you need help in correcting those mistakes? 

Most people start off really excited about the law of attraction but then get frustrated because they are going about it the wrong way. Unfortunately, you can't just "turn off" the law of attraction. It is working all the time. As a result, if you want to create a better life for yourself, it is essential

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