During the winter months, the skies are darker, it is colder outside and this tends to have a negative impact on people's mood. Overall, society has a collective "story" about winter that involves constriction, isolation, sadness, bitterness, more time indoors, etc. From an energetic perspective, what goes along with this "story" is a simultaneous constriction or blockage of higher source energy flow. This is caused by the negative thoughts associated with winter. As a result, people tend to hold on to more negative energy or what we like
4 Spiritual Spring Cleaning Steps - Law of Attraction Health
Spring is upon us again and it is one of my favorite times of the year. I always feel a natural urge to cleanse and let go of whatever accumulated during the winter season or may have been “lurking” for quite awhile but now I am at the vibrational level to “expel it”. As such, I thought it was more than appropriate to share with you a 30 or 60-day spiritual cleaning challenge. It is an excellent way to let go of yet another layer of lower vibrational
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 26
Spring is traditionally thought of as the time of cleaning. A time to clean out the "stuffy house" that has been closed away for the winter and bring in the fresh, clean energy of spring. From a spiritual perspective, spring cleaning can be more than just cleaning out your house. The idea and sentiment of spring cleaning can be used as a springboard for you to clean out some “old emotional baggage” and start the process of “blossoming’ and “blooming” for the upcoming warm season.
As we discussed
5 Spiritual Practices for the New Year
When you think about the New Year, you generally think about new beginnings and letting the momentum of the transition jettison you into a new reality. Since there is generally a collective belief that the change of the year, also signifies a chance for internal change, the New Year can definitely be a great jumpstart to setting into motion your conscious creations.
Unfortunately, many people quickly fall back into old habits. Without a truly sustainable practice that moves you beyond the New Year and keeps you going year-round,
Time to Reflect for the New Year
Many think of the New Year as a time to start over again because of all the “mistakes”, bad habits or failures that have happened. What many do not do is take the time to reflect on all the positive accomplishments, positive habits, positive feedback, or positive moments that have happened to them throughout the year. It is too easy to lament over the failures, missed chances, horrible moments, etc. It is far too easy to focus on the negative and try to use that as a spring
Meditation for New Year's Resolution Part II
When you Meditate, You release “old baggage"
In addition to helping you to focus, meditation also helps you to relieve yourself of all the baggage that prevents you from moving forward.
When you make a New Year’s Resolution, you are generally trying to change something in your life to a more desired state. From an energetic perspective, you are basically trying to
Meditation for New Year's Resolution Part I
I know you have heard about the many benefits of meditation. Below are just a few benefits:
- Relieves anxiety
- Relieves stress
- Reduces aging
- Increases focus
- Increases immunity
- Improves brain function
- Helps to heal the soul (helps you feel more connected)
But why start a meditation practice and why start it for the New Year?
Now, meditation as far as completing your goals is very important. I am sure you've read many articles about people who have started their New Year's Resolution and cannot finish them. More than