Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 28

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 28

This moment is a perfect time to start living your dream

Many people are afraid to move on with their lives because they feel “time has gotten away from them”. As a result, they stay in a perpetual state of dreaming about what could have been and regretting what they could have done. Well we are here to tell you that you can have and do whatever you desire. This is a creative planet/universe. Do not be fooled by limitations such as age. The only limitations you have

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 20

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 20

This was sent to me for my personal perspective and today, I thought I would share it with you. I found the words to be very profound and very insightful. I am the thinker…... What are your thoughts on this?

I am the thinker that creates the thoughts that create the things. There are no circumstances around you more powerful than the power within you. You are responsible for your life through your consciousness. Racism, sexism, homophobia and ageism have no power over you unless you believe they

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 13

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 13

"Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life, is the foundation for all abundance."

Today I was reminded of the significance of this quote. All too often, people tend to look at what they want to accomplish in life to the point of feeling an intense longing. There is a tendency to forget to acknowledge how far they have come in life. This includes the spiritual, emotional and/or physical aspects of their journey.

When is the the last time you really took a look at your

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 9

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 9

Many times there is a tendency to hold on to the hurt and pain we feel another has caused us. Unfortunately, holding on to this only hurts you.

The mental anguish, frustration or whatever emotions you are feeling are being experienced by you and you alone. For instance, the other person may know your anger is directed towards them but your anger cannot make them feel remorse or whatever you want them to feel, unless they allow it.

You see, you are the only person who can control

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 7

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 7

All too often, there is a tendency for people to be very serious about what they are doing. There is a need to do something and do it “perfectly”. They push, push, push and try so hard that it almost takes the spark out of life. This is definitely the case when they feel they don’t have much time and have to force it.

Unfortunately, the result of the pushing is a tendency to cause restriction and resistance. This is something I find a lot for beginner meditators

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 6

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 6

The day has ended. Let the past be the past. Awaken tomorrow anew with new and determined goals. For you cannot move forward with a sense of guilt of what was.

Many times there is a tendency to hold onto the past. When you do this, you hold yourself in that vibrational pattern. Holding yourself in a vibrational pattern only benefits you if you feel good about it. However for most people, when they are thinking about the past, they are thinking about a negative past. This will

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 4

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 4

What many people fail to realize is that health is a practiced vibration, or in other words, staying or becoming healthy is something you have to “practice” all the time. Health is not something that you attain once and then can just treat your mind, body and spirit in whatever way you see fit and expect to stay healthy.

Yes, you may be doing what are commonly considered to be healthy practices in your society. However, in standard society there is not much focus on the “mind” or

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 3

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 3

A thought is only a thought. You don’t have to proclaim it or engage with it. You can just let it float away like a cloud in the sky. Try this instead of condemning yourself for having “bad thoughts”. The more you can “see the illusion” of the thought, the easier it becomes to stay in the present moment.

Healing and the Law of Attraction Book

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 2

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 2

How you view yourself is totally under your control. How you allow the thoughts of other’s to affect you is totally under your control as well. It may not seem this way, but no one can make you feel less than who you are. When you really own this and start to believe this, then you are truly the architect of your own self-image.

How you view yourself will be reflected back to you in what you attract in your life. If you feel diminished in your self-image;

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 1

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 1

No one sets out to consciously create dis-eases or ailments. Most of it is done from an unawakened state. Most people do not realize how they are creating their reality. As such, they attract conditions in their lives, such as poor environments, unhealthy food, stressful jobs or a multitude of factors that support the development of a dis-ease. However, despite not knowing in the beginning, you can heal.

Healing and the Law of Attraction Book

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Stand grounded and courage will come from within

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Attachment can take on many forms. You can be attached to an object, you can be attached to an emotion, you can be attached to other people's expectation, you can be attached to a person, etc. It is these attachments that cause stress and anxiety in your life. The anxiety and stress come from either worrying about how long you can hold on to whatever positive sensations these attachments bring to you or dreading or being worried about the negative sensations that it brings. For instance, if you

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The Secret of your Success is found in your Daily Routines

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Do you have a habit or habits that support improving your health and wellbeing? Think about it. Habits or routines set the vibration for what you are creating. You can have habits that support a healthy lifestyle or habits that do not.

If you do not have a routine that supports personal or spiritual growth, then start now. Start with one simple change in your routine and then once you can do that steadily for at least a month, move to the next routine. Rome was not built

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Meditation for Happiness

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The only true step to happiness is the nurturing of it from within. When you tend to your own inner garden and uproot the weeds, you nourish and feed your true happiness. This uprooting occurs in a place from within so seek within to find it. Learn to meditate and bring forth the true happiness that is available to all, if you choose it to be.

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When you meditate, you let go and allow higher vibrations to enter. You literally shake off the lower vibrations of fear, hatred,

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You cannot travel within and stand still without

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“You cannot travel within and stand still without.” What do these words mean to you? When you "travel" within with methods such as meditation, you become aligned with source. You release old thought patterns that do not serve you. That shift in your inner being automatically creates a shift in your outer reality. That is because your outer reality is a reflection of your inner beliefs. A basic law of attraction concept.

This statement also signifies the important role your subconscious mind plays in creating your reality. Most

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Be Persistent when practicing the Law of Attraction

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A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but its persistence.


Fine words to denote the power of persistence. It is not one who must get it perfect the first time around, it is one who is determined to get it “right” that will prosper in this world. When we say prosper we mean one who will realize their goals, whatever their goals may be. Be that of better physical health, that of emotional healing, that of abundance, that of joy or whatever the

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Empower yourself to Take Control of your Life


You have the power to move mountains. Yes you do. You can do whatever it is that you desire. For instance, you can change your emotional health to whatever you like it to be. If you are depressed, then you can literally raise your vibration to that of a person who feels good about life. The path and how long it takes depends on you. You are the one who controls what is created in your reality, whether you are aware of it or not. As such,

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Can you Prove the Law of Attraction?

Can you prove the law of attraction?

The law of attraction can’t be proved any more than you can prove the concept of God, the concept of angels or the concept of spirits. Really the law of attraction is more something you "prove to yourself". You basically prove to yourself that it works for you, because you are experiencing the results of your creations from consciously practicing it.

So let's say that you are beginning with the law of attraction. You understand the concept and want to give it a try. What you would do

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Outer conditions reflect Inner Beliefs

Outer Conditions reflect Inner Belief

This is a hard concept to grasp because it throws right in our face the life that we have created. In so saying this, we can no longer be victims of our outer circumstances. It is frankly saying that your outer circumstance is a reflection of your inner beliefs. For instance, if you believe that you are not worthy of a raise then chances are, you will be in a low paying job.

Your outer conditions or your outward manifestations are a reflection of your inner beliefs -

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Seek Within You

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You have been trained to believe that there is always someone outside of you who always knows more than you from the physical perspective. You have your teachers, your doctors, your parents, etc. You have been raised to rely on others to make your decisions and yet we challenge you to start relying on yourself and your true inner connection to source.

The strongest connection you have to source is through that of “feelings”. How you feel is in direct correlation to your alignment with your inner self.

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