Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

8 Ways to Open your Heart

8_ways_to_open_your_heart Being Present - Sedona Spiritual Retreats

Bringing awareness to your heart and receiving in stillness are great ways to begin opening up your heart to the world. It is a delicate flower that is unfurling into this world to share its magnificent beauty and fragrance.

Being in the Present Moment

When you are connecting deeply to the present moment and experiencing the world from the body, you are connecting to your heart and allowing yourself to enter into the receiving state. The more that you practice experiencing life from this state, the easier it

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Mindfulness for Self Healing

Mindfulness-for-Self-Healing800x400 Being Present - Sedona Spiritual Retreats

Now when you think of mindfulness or any type of meditation, you may not necessarily think of the correlation between the mind and the body. Well the mind-body connection is well-founded. In basic terms, a chaotic mind causes “chaos” in the body. If you hold the “chaotic vibration” long enough, then very profound blockages in the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual bodies occurs. These blockages are what many term “dis-ease”.


Worry about a situation causes stress hormones to be released. If you worry occasionally, then the stress hormones

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