Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

How Breathwork Can Improve Your Well-Being

How Breathwork Can Improve Your Well-Being

As a human, you have experienced the complexity of life.

Whether it's your relationships, work, or personal experiences, your energy, and attention are pulled in multiple directions. It can get busy and it can be exhausting.


Imagine having a practice that allows you to create more supportive energy within your life.

Energy of coherence.

Energy of harmony.

Energy of synchronous flow that allows for the easeful unfolding of your experience of life.

This practice is real and it's called: Breathwork.

Breathwork works by bringing awareness to your

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Meditation is a Treasure Chest of Gifts

Meditation is a Treasure Chest of Gifts

Meditation is a foundational practice along your spiritual journey.

It's truly a treasure chest full of gifts for you, from you.

Self Discovery

As you allow yourself to drop into your inner world, your self-awareness immediately begins to grow.

"Where attention goes, energy flows".

You start to become familiar with your mind.

Your thought patterns.

Your inner voices.

You see how your inner world has always been shaping your external world.

Realizing all of these pieces contribute to creating your reality.

Realizing these pieces were created by you

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5 Practices to Boost Your Spiritual Growth

5 Practices to Boost Your Spiritual Growth

You are invited to take a long deep breath in…as you exhale start thinking about what spiritual growth means to you. What does spiritual growth look like in your life?

What practices or habits have helped support that growth?

Today, we are going to dive into 5 practices that are cornerstones of spiritual growth. With that being said, we are all on different journeys so what works best for me may not be what works best for you.


Meditation is not something that you "do". It's the

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How to Use Aromatherapy for Spiritual Healing

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If you prefer using natural products, you've probably heard of essential oils — compounds extracted from plants to capture their "essence" or scent. Their healing properties are well-documented by scientists, with research showing that these complex organic substances contain multiple properties that yield positive psychogenic effects. They possess antimicrobial, antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties and have been shown to relieve stress, treat depression, and help with insomnia.

These benefits give insight into why essential oils provide holistic healing, as spirituality and mental health go hand-in-hand. When

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 99

Have you ever walked into a room and then immediately started to feel bad? Are you feeling overwhelmed and drained when you are around others? Do you dread being around certain individuals because it makes you feel bad?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then you are picking up the energy field of the others. Yes, we are all energetic spiritual beings and we are all connected. However, we have our own energy aura that we can strengthen in order to allow the energy

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Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

Moving Meditation for Natural Healing

As spiritual beings in a physical body, it is imperative to take care of your temple through exercise. We advocate doing moving meditations as your form of exercise because it allows for the free flow of energy. Doing exercises without paying attention to the flow of energy and how you feel, can and does create disharmony physically and emotionally. 

Listen to my Podcast

Listen to "Why you should practice a Moving Meditation" on Spreaker.

Full Transcript

Welcome to Embrace your Spiritual Powers with IAM. I'm your host Shawngela

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Self-Love for Natural Healing

Self-Love for Healing

In my latest podcast, we talked about self-love for natural healing. It is a very simple, yet profound concept.

Many times we think that we must consume things in order for our body to heal. We look at our body more as a machine than we do as an energetic physical essence.

If we start to shift our concept of who we are, then we can understand the power of our thoughts - the power that our thoughts have in creating or manifesting the physical ailments/misalignment/disharmony in our

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Why Meditation is important for the Law of Attraction

Why meditation is important for law of attraction

Last year I did a webinar on why meditation is important for the law of attraction. The webinar breaks it down into first understanding meditation, then we discuss the scientific benefits. Of course, you know with the law of attraction, it goes beyond the scientific realm of belief. As a conscious creator, we know that we create our reality. This is something science as a whole has not been able to understand.

Please take a moment to watch our webinar to really get a good understanding. If you

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17 Ways to Raise your Vibration

17 Ways to Raise your Vibration

We are all energetic beings in this vibrational matching universe. Like attracts like. Using an arbitrary scale from 0 to 100, low vibrations are below 50 and higher vibrations are above 50. Low vibrations attract people, situations, environments, etc. that are in a lower vibration - examples are sadness, pain, discomfort, anger, frustration, worry, disconnection, etc.

Higher vibrations attract higher vibratory situations, environments, information, etc - examples are joy, gratitude, flexibility, feeling good, healthier environments, etc. In order to attract from a higher vibration, you must raise your

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Webinar - Law of Attraction and Meditation

Webinar - Law of Attraction and Meditation

How can meditation help you with the law of attraction? What are the benefits as it applies to a creative world? Will meditation help you to become a more effective conscious creator?

Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss the benefits that meditation brings to consciously creating more effectively. Remember we are creative beings, living in a world where thoughts are important. As a result, mastering your thoughts can prove to be the missing piece of your puzzle.

In this webinar, we will discuss:

  • Benefits of
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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 37

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 37

Stories of healing can have a powerful affect on others - especially someone who is suffering from an ailment themselves. In fact, we encourage you to surround yourself with stories of healing. In this way, you continuously place yourself in a vibrational state that allows for healing.

Having an ailment can make you feel hopeless, especially if your ailment is viewed as untreatable from a traditional standpoint. Getting the “untreatable" news from authorities in the medical community can hold you in that “untreatable” vibration if you aren’t continuously

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Meditation Defined

What is Meditation

A brief search for a definition of meditation in your standard dictionary will produce several definitions similar to the following:

  • to engage in contemplation or reflection.
  • to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness.
  • to focus on one’s thoughts: reflect on or ponder over.
  • to plan or project in the mind.

Let’s take out the definitions involving contemplation or reflection and stick moreso to the spiritual awareness aspect. As

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Law of Attraction Healing with Laughter

Laughter Meditation

Raise your vibration and heal with the power of laughter. It is more powerful then you can imagine.


It has the power to move you from an energetic state of resistance, to a higher vibrational state of allowing. As we know from the law of attraction, allowing is an important aspect of manifesting what you desire, including health. Allowing means you are letting go and allowing the innate power within you to heal your mind, body and/or spirit.

Level of Attraction

Like attracts like. As a result,

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Is Qigong or Mindfulness Meditation better?

Qigong vs Mindfulness Meditation


I currently do qigong but am wondering which is better overall, qigong or mindfulness?


As with everything, there will be varying opinions on the subject. Some will say qigong is better, some will say mindfulness is better and yet still others will say they are both the same. Studies and/or personal experiences will be used to support whatever position is held.

We are of the mindset that it is best not to compare two things from an intellectual perspective, but rather, learn to be guided to

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Meditation Tips #2

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The cumulative affects that you feel from a daily meditation practice is greater than that which you feel from a periodic practice. Even a daily meditation practice of only 5 minutes is a good start. Think consistency over longevity.

A daily meditation practice trains your mind and body in many aspects. It trains your mind and body to relax, to focus, to let go, to be present, to ground, etc. These are just some of the benefits of meditation. It also helps you to reprogram your subconscious mind

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Mindfulness for Self Healing

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Now when you think of mindfulness or any type of meditation, you may not necessarily think of the correlation between the mind and the body. Well the mind-body connection is well-founded. In basic terms, a chaotic mind causes “chaos” in the body. If you hold the “chaotic vibration” long enough, then very profound blockages in the physical, mental/emotional and spiritual bodies occurs. These blockages are what many term “dis-ease”.


Worry about a situation causes stress hormones to be released. If you worry occasionally, then the stress hormones

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Law of Attraction and Qigong Meditation

Law of Attraction and Qigong Meditation

"A quiet and a more focused mind is a far more creative force then the average mind can imagine." ~IAM

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is a philosophical principle that explains how each individual creates creates the life in which they live. Another way of saying this is it explains how we create our reality here on earth.  The law of attraction is based on the principle that what we ask, via thoughts, words and feelings, we receive. The Law of Attraction is multi-faceted but is

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My #1 Law of Attraction Tip

My #1 Law of Attraction Tip


What is your best advice to make the law of attraction work for me?


If you want to make the law of attraction work for you, it is imperative to meditate daily. This is because meditation will help to change your subconscious mind, release negative thought patterns, train your mind to focus and strengthen your connection to your inner guidance system.

Most people are prone to a chaotic mind with an abundance of negative thoughts that hold them back from their true potential. A chaotic mind

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Meditations for Emotional Constipation

Meditations for Emotional Constipation

Cure Your Emotional Constipation With Meditation

Emotional constipation might sound like a clever term we sometimes use to describe the times when our spirits are low, but the sad reality is that it’s a serious situation to be in that is sorely misunderstood.

Often confused with bouts of fatigue and depression, emotional constipation describes the state in which we are so overwhelmed by what’s going on around us that we shut down to the point where we can’t feel anything- or choose not to, in fear of the

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6 Ways to Stay Calm During the Holidays

6 Ways to Stay Calm During the Holidays

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If you are like many people and tend to be stressed during the holidays, then having some simple tools to use to stay calm can be a priceless investment. These simple steps are what you should have in your calm “tool kit” anytime you feel stressed, whether it is during the holidays or not.


When you are well-rested, there is less stress on the physical & emotional bodies. If you are having trouble sleeping try a guided meditation for sleep

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