Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Spiritual Healing Tips #3

Spiritual Healing Tips #3

Do you feel like two separate people when it comes to your spiritual identity and then the “other person” that shows up when you are around certain people? Does this frustrate you? Well, hold on as we give you one powerful technique to “merge” the “other person” with your spiritual identity.

Old Habits

As we work to embrace our spiritual power, there will undoubtedly be old relationships where there is a tendency for you to fall back into old habits. In fact, this is a natural part of

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 76

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 76

Try viewing your life as a clay sculpture. If you continue to work on it and mold this sculpture every day, you will eventually create a masterpiece. It takes time but a steady forward motion is all that is needed to eventually create something that is desired.

This molding is more of a molding of the mind. You have to mold your mind to envision the life you desire and then the outside world will start reflecting back to you what you envision.

Remember your life is a

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Guided Meditation for Spiritual Guidance

Guided Meditation for Spiritual Guidance

You are all powerful creators and more powerful than you can imagine. You may not realize this if you have developed a sort of “disconnection” to that which can guide you with your creative powers. While you can never truly be disconnected from source, you can be so far removed from a strong connection to your spiritual nature, that it feels like a disconnection. It feels like you are lost and alone in this barren universe.

Starting from this point forward, if you have not already done so,

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Visualize for Success

when-you-visualize Tag | Visualize

Sometimes when you are not motivated to do something, the best thing to do is to visualize it. Yes, visualize it! When you visualize, you put together all the creative forces to ensure that it will happen in your reality. Visualize it and forget it! Yes, it is just that simple. Let go and allow it. Visualize it on a consistent basis and just let go of it throughout the day.

Life Example

This technique has literally saved me in many respects. I was having a hard time

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