Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 29

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 29

Your life can turn around very quickly when you surrender. Remember you have lot of energy “stored” away in your Internal Vibrational Queue or your Asking Queue, just waiting for you to become a vibrational match to it. When you can completely surrender to the moment, you might be amazed at what can happen.

Just recently a client of mine shared with me an amazing story of just how quickly things can turnaround. The day before our session, her husband informed her that their financing for their new

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What can happen while healing? | Law of Attraction Question

A Law of Attraction Question on Healing

Note: The following is an Excerpt from my book Healing and the Law of Attraction


What happens as I raise my vibration to heal?


From an energetic point of view, raising your vibration causes a release of old “energetic stuff’ or “baggage” that has been stored away or suppressed. This baggage can be emotional, physical or spiritual in nature. In actuality, it will mostly be a combination of some sort. This release of lower vibrational energy could trigger thoughts that make you feel bad. These bad

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 28

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 28

This moment is a perfect time to start living your dream

Many people are afraid to move on with their lives because they feel “time has gotten away from them”. As a result, they stay in a perpetual state of dreaming about what could have been and regretting what they could have done. Well we are here to tell you that you can have and do whatever you desire. This is a creative planet/universe. Do not be fooled by limitations such as age. The only limitations you have

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4 Spiritual Spring Cleaning Steps - Law of Attraction Health

4 Spiritual Spring Cleaning Steps - Law of Attraction Health

Spring is upon us again and it is one of my favorite times of the year. I always feel a natural urge to cleanse and let go of whatever accumulated during the winter season or may have been “lurking” for quite awhile but now I am at the vibrational level to “expel it”. As such, I thought it was more than appropriate to share with you a 30 or 60-day spiritual cleaning challenge. It is an excellent way to let go of yet another layer of lower vibrational

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 27

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 27

Each person is connected to a higher energy source, which vibrates fast. When you are aligned with this higher energy source you are in optimal energy flow, i.e. a state of well-being. You have opened up all your channels to receive this energy and are vibrating at a high level. In essence, you have raised your vibration by opening up and allowing. Misalignment with higher source energy produces disharmony in the body. Misalignment can also be described as an energy blockage in your physical, emotional and/or mental state,

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 26

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 26

Spring is traditionally thought of as the time of cleaning. A time to clean out the "stuffy house" that has been closed away for the winter and bring in the fresh, clean energy of spring. From a spiritual perspective, spring cleaning can be more than just cleaning out your house. The idea and sentiment of spring cleaning can be used as a springboard for you to clean out some “old emotional baggage” and start the process of “blossoming’ and “blooming” for the upcoming warm season.

As we discussed

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Webinar - What is Law of Attraction Healing?

Webinar - What is Law of Attraction Healing?

What is Law of Attraction Healing? Is this some type of natural healing method? Does it mean that I have to do this on my own with self-healing?

These are just some of the questions we will address in this 30 minute webinar. Many people are familiar with the Law of Attraction but may not truly understand its implication as it relates to your health and healing process.

Join me for a live 30-minute webinar as we discuss Law of Attraction Healing and what it really means for

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 25

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 25

If you truly stood in your power as a creative being, you would innately understand this natural flow of the creative universe. You would know that as soon as you asked, it would come into your reality at some point in time. There would be no need to doubt or question your worthiness. You would know that it was yours already and you would literally walk in faith until it arrived in your reality.

Because you have grown up in your society not understanding how you have created

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What is Allowing? | A Law of Attraction Question

 What is Allowing?

Note: As part of our Law of Attraction Webinar Series, we discussed Allowing and the Law of Attraction. Feel free to watch the entire webinar (see video below) or continue reading for a synopsis of what we discussed.


What does allowing mean from a Law of Attraction perspective?


If you are practicing the law of attraction, then you have undoubtedly heard the word allowing. Despite it being a commonly used word, most people only grasp the concept intellectually but don’t truly understand it - that is from a

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 24

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 24

The following is an excerpt from Healing and the Law of Attraction book.

Have you ever wondered how powerful you are? Have you ever felt internally powerful as a child but then let that idea fade away as you became older? Have you ever wondered how you could heal yourself? Have you ever wondered why God or whomever you call your Higher Source, would make humans in such a fashion as to have it be necessary for someone else to intercede on behalf of their health? Have

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 23

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 23

As creative beings on the planet, everyone, even creators in the womb, are subjected to collective consciousness thoughts or belief systems. The collective consciousness thoughts are the collective thoughts of a group of beings. These collective consciousness thoughts consist of many levels - the collective creative force of the planet, all the way down to the collective thoughts of your immediate surroundings. For instance, there are collective consciousness thoughts of this planet, of your country, of your ethnicity, of your family, etc.

If a thought is from collective

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 22

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 22 

In our society it can be easy to accept the fate of the opinion of the medical community, however, you can manifest health. When you let the opinions of others determine your fate, then you in essence “give over your power”. You have the power to move mountains, the power to create realities and the power to heal yourself.

Remember a defeated attitude produces a defeated reality. Also remember, there are plenty of people who have healed themselves despite the common belief by the medical community. Some

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Take Time for Yourself | Law of Attraction Health

Take time for yourself

Our mission is to awaken and inspire you to your own innate power to heal and that cannot be overstated. As such, while it is important to understand your role in healing, it is also important to put into practice what you have learned based on the teachings. This means taking the steps to create an overall environment of health. If you are like most, you may be reading a few things here and there, get inspired and then the inspiration eventually wanes. There will be several reasons

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Webinar - Feelings and Alignment

Webinar - Feelings and Alignment

What role do feelings have in consciously creating with the law of attraction? Are feelings important? How do you know if you are in alignment? Not knowing is one of the common mistakes in practicing the law of attraction!

These are just some of the questions we will address in this 30 minute webinar. Feelings play a very important role in knowing if you are allowing or if you are restricting but most people either don’t understand or don’t know how to apply it.

Join me for a

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 21

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 21

Some days the life you have created can just be overwhelming and all you can muster are the words “I am going to make it” or “I am going to figure it out.” Saying or speaking those words is absolutely fine, because it has a powerful effect in our creative universe.

When you utter those words, you are setting a vibration of knowing that somehow you are going to make it or figure it out. This is much better then continually creating a cycle of being defeated with

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 20

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 20

This was sent to me for my personal perspective and today, I thought I would share it with you. I found the words to be very profound and very insightful. I am the thinker…... What are your thoughts on this?

I am the thinker that creates the thoughts that create the things. There are no circumstances around you more powerful than the power within you. You are responsible for your life through your consciousness. Racism, sexism, homophobia and ageism have no power over you unless you believe they

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 19

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 19


I saw a quote today that reminded me of the beauty of simplicity. “It's not the daily increase but daily decrease. Hack away at the unessential.”

So often we tend to accumulate without even knowing why we have a desire to do so. Many times it is an unconscious tendency disguised as an attempt to compensate for something that is missing in our life. That is a mouthful! Basically, it means we are trying to compensate for something missing by “collecting items” that we think will make

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A Media Fast for Health and Healing

A Media Fast for Health - Law of Attraction Healing

Does a media fast really relate to the law of attraction for healing?

Yes, it really does.

One law of attraction principle we teach is understanding your role in the health and healing process. Remember, you are a spiritual being in a physical body and this means you have a connection to the non-physical - whatever you call that non-physical. Whether you call the non-physical God, Angels, Spiritual Guides, Universe, etc. is irrelevant. We are all connected to something other than the physical.

As such, the non-physical is

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 18

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 18

Everything in the universe, including humans is energy. Energy is all around us. Everything our senses perceive is energy as well as everything our senses do not perceive.

Energy vibrates at different frequencies. There are low frequencies, high frequencies and frequencies that range between the two. Low frequencies vibrate slow and high frequencies vibrate fast. Low frequencies are associated with disharmony in the body and higher frequencies are associated with a state of well-being. For instance, emotionally, low frequencies are associated with hatred, fear, worry, pessimism and doubt.

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Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 17

Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 17

Have you fallen off your New Year’s Resolution? You are not alone. Millions of people will have done this by the middle of January.

Being successful in any resolution, whether it be for the New Year or any other time, is really about building new routines. Building new routines is easier to do when you focus more on what you want, then on what you don't. Let’s give an example of what can happen to someone with a lack of focus on the desired outcome.

You start off

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