Spiritual Healing Blog

Embrace your Spiritual Power

You cannot travel within and stand still without

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“You cannot travel within and stand still without.” What do these words mean to you? When you "travel" within with methods such as meditation, you become aligned with source. You release old thought patterns that do not serve you. That shift in your inner being automatically creates a shift in your outer reality. That is because your outer reality is a reflection of your inner beliefs. A basic law of attraction concept.

This statement also signifies the important role your subconscious mind plays in creating your reality. Most

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Manifesting a mate using the law of attraction?

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I am having a real hard time emotionally because of my desire for a relationship. How can I use the law of attraction to attract the perfect guy and can I use it to attract a specific person?


Why yes, you can definitely use the Law of Attraction to attract "the perfect guy", however, the use of the term "perfect" is relative. What I believe you are expressing is a desire to manifest the person who feels good to you. The best way to "use"

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Be Persistent when practicing the Law of Attraction

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A river cuts through a rock, not because of its power but its persistence.


Fine words to denote the power of persistence. It is not one who must get it perfect the first time around, it is one who is determined to get it “right” that will prosper in this world. When we say prosper we mean one who will realize their goals, whatever their goals may be. Be that of better physical health, that of emotional healing, that of abundance, that of joy or whatever the

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Spend Time in Nature

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When was the last time you went for a hike out in nature? Spending time in nature is a chance to reconnect to the earth and to your true essence. It is a chance to be free and soar. It is also a chance to be more grounded because you are in an environment surrounded by that which is grounded and more connected to source. That is the beauty of being in nature. Nature is disconnected from "the society”; nature just is. Nature is silence. Nature is

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Empower yourself to Take Control of your Life


You have the power to move mountains. Yes you do. You can do whatever it is that you desire. For instance, you can change your emotional health to whatever you like it to be. If you are depressed, then you can literally raise your vibration to that of a person who feels good about life. The path and how long it takes depends on you. You are the one who controls what is created in your reality, whether you are aware of it or not. As such,

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Can you Prove the Law of Attraction?

Can you prove the law of attraction?

The law of attraction can’t be proved any more than you can prove the concept of God, the concept of angels or the concept of spirits. Really the law of attraction is more something you "prove to yourself". You basically prove to yourself that it works for you, because you are experiencing the results of your creations from consciously practicing it.

So let's say that you are beginning with the law of attraction. You understand the concept and want to give it a try. What you would do

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Visualize for Success

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Sometimes when you are not motivated to do something, the best thing to do is to visualize it. Yes, visualize it! When you visualize, you put together all the creative forces to ensure that it will happen in your reality. Visualize it and forget it! Yes, it is just that simple. Let go and allow it. Visualize it on a consistent basis and just let go of it throughout the day.

Life Example

This technique has literally saved me in many respects. I was having a hard time

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Meditation for New Year's Resolution Part II

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Last week we discussed how meditation helps you to focus. This week, we discuss another way meditation helps you to fulfill your New Year’s Resolution.


When you Meditate, You release “old baggage"

In addition to helping you to focus, meditation also helps you to relieve yourself of all the baggage that prevents you from moving forward.

When you make a New Year’s Resolution, you are generally trying to change something in your life to a more desired state. From an energetic perspective, you are basically trying to

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Meditation for New Year's Resolution Part I

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I know you have heard about the many benefits of meditation. Below are just a few benefits: 

  1. Relieves anxiety
  2. Relieves stress
  3. Reduces aging
  4. Increases focus
  5. Increases immunity
  6. Improves brain function
  7. Helps to heal the soul (helps you feel more connected)


But why start a meditation practice and why start it for the New Year?

Now, meditation as far as completing your goals is very important. I am sure you've read many articles about people who have started their New Year's Resolution and cannot finish them. More than

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Outer conditions reflect Inner Beliefs

Outer Conditions reflect Inner Belief

This is a hard concept to grasp because it throws right in our face the life that we have created. In so saying this, we can no longer be victims of our outer circumstances. It is frankly saying that your outer circumstance is a reflection of your inner beliefs. For instance, if you believe that you are not worthy of a raise then chances are, you will be in a low paying job.

Your outer conditions or your outward manifestations are a reflection of your inner beliefs -

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What can Meditation do for you?

Law of Attraction Question on Meditation and what it can do


How can meditation benefit me as I practice the Law of Attraction?



Meditation can help you shed your “skin” literally. Literally you are shedding away old layers of skin that do not serve you and bringing into light the new you. That new you will take many forms, depending on what you are shedding. For instance, if you are shedding an old angry vibe, then your new skin will be that of peace. 

Now as we know, there are many layers to this peace.

If you

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What is the Law of Attraction?

Law of Attraction Creative Cycle

Creative Beings

You are creative beings on this planet and are creating every aspect of your life. The Law of Attraction is a principle that outlines the way in which you create. The principles of the Law of Attraction have been called many things throughout the millennia, but the concept is still the same. Unfortunately or fortunately, depending on how you look at it, the Law of Attraction is working all the time. As such, you have been creating your entire life based on these principles. Most people

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Seek Within You

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You have been trained to believe that there is always someone outside of you who always knows more than you from the physical perspective. You have your teachers, your doctors, your parents, etc. You have been raised to rely on others to make your decisions and yet we challenge you to start relying on yourself and your true inner connection to source.

The strongest connection you have to source is through that of “feelings”. How you feel is in direct correlation to your alignment with your inner self.

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Repetition Reinforces Retention

Holistic Lifestyle Tip #3

As I used to teach college human anatomy, I found myself telling this to my students all the time: repetition, reinforces, retention. Learning anatomy just required repeating, repeating and repeating. Now as I am teaching the law of attraction and meditation, on the other side of the spectrum, I still find this to be true.

Repeating pattern

If you want something to “stick”, you have to repeat it, repeat it and repeat it again, until it becomes natural for you. Repeat it until you form habits. Now this

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Train Your Mind to Think Positive with this Bedtime Process

sleepingListen to the following audio for a quick and easy way of getting yourself into the habit of thinking positively and focusing on your desires. As we have discussed in the Vibrational Scale of Health and How Your Emotions affect your Health articles, your thoughts and feelings affect your health. Positive or good feeling thoughts affect your health in a positive way.  As a result, it is essential to get into the habit of thinking positive.  Getting into the habit of thinking positively is a simple matter of

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