Throughout your life, you have been putting a lot into your internal vibrational queue or “asking" queue. You may be all too familiar with receiving lower vibrational manifestations from your queue because you were resisting. However, when you start to get into the flow of the law of attraction and really start to allow, you can begin to see signs of higher vibrational manifestations that could have been in your queue from several years ago. Unfortunately, if you have changed your focus, this can seem a bit troubling
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 55
The “delay zone” can be one of the most exhilarating or frustrating parts of the manifestation cycle. Most of you know the law of attraction creative cycle as: ask | given | receive. In our teachings, we like to add the word “allow” as another part of the cycle. As such, we describe the creative cycle as: ask | given | allow | receive.
As you can see, the time between the given and receiving is the allowing. This interval can also be termed the “delay zone.” This
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 54
If you find yourself asking the question "why isn't the law of attraction working for me?”, then the rub is that it is working. The law of attraction is working all the time. It is just not working in the way you desire but it is “painting a clear picture” of where you are placing your focus both consciously but more importantly subconsciously.
I know upon hearing this, you may be thinking that you have been focused on what you desire, but let us reassure you that your
Webinar - Can you heal someone else
Is it possible to heal someone else? Do you believe you have been healed by another? What can you do for yourself or to help another in the healing process? These are important questions to understand for those who are on a journey to becoming healthy.
Join me for a 30-minute webinar as we answer all of these questions and more!
In this webinar, we will discuss:
- Can you heal someone?
- Can someone heal you?
- Holding a vibration of healing for someone else
- Developing your own vibration of
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 53
In conjunction with being less serious, practice gratitude on a regular basis. Gratitude is an excellent way to shift your focus on what you don’t have to what you do have. This will instantly cause a shift in your resistance, and help you to surrender to all you have in this present moment.
Gratitude is at a higher vibrational level so when you practice gratitude it naturally raises your vibration. It just makes you feel good. When you practice gratitude, list at least 5 things for which you
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 52
When people start consciously practicing the law of attraction, they look for a magic bullet. They look for something they can instantly do to change their life around. Our guidance is to take it slow and to make fundamental lifestyle changes. When you take it slow and make the fundamental and steady changes, then you are able to maintain your momentum and vibration. When something happens quickly, while we know it is an awesome feeling, it can be hard to maintain the level of vibration it took to
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 51
You came here on earth as spiritual beings to experience it all. What you consider the good and bad are all apart of helping you to evolve. It is the contrast that prompts you to desire for more. That is the beauty of a dimension of duality.
When you know what you want to experience from having been shown or having experienced the contrast, your job is to let go and "ride the waves" until you become a vibrational match to your desires.
One simple way to ride
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 50
Becoming aware of self is an essential part of improving your health. It means becoming consciously aware of what is going on in your body and how you feel. It means being more grounded in your body and being less in your chaotic monkey mind.
Having an abundance of chaotic thoughts means that you are literally “in your head.” When this occurs, you cannot be aware of the feelings and sensations given to
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 49
When is the last time you reviewed your accomplishments? Well it is a good habit to develop. Reviewing your accomplishments builds your creative momentum and raises your vibrational level. It also keeps you away from focusing on what is not happening and redirects your attention to all the wonderful things you have done.
Although you may be hesitant to admit it, you may be in the habit of noticing what is not happening, all the while ignoring all the things - big and small - that have happened
Webinar - New Year Subconscious Shift
If you are thinking it is too early to think about the New Year, think again! The New Year is a collective consciousness movement centered around transformation and turning over a new leaf. It is a great way to use this momentum to jettison your own personal transformation.
Having said this, many people lose this momentum and fall back into old habits. In this 30-minute webinar, we will give you practical tips on how to build up momentum and get your subconscious mind ready and prepped for your
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 48
Passive observation is a state of “non-thinking”. When your mind is relaxed and in a “non- thinking state”, you are freely allowing source energy to flow through you. There is no resistance due to negative thoughts. You are shifting the energies of resistant thought to thought energies of allowance. Being in the state of “non-thinking” requires practice. The more you practice, the more you will bring this stillness into your life.
Passive observation can also be described as a state of non-judgement. When you are in a state
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 47
In this new millennium, a paradigm shift is occurring as to the nature of disease and health. This paradigm shift is due to our understanding of energy. Absolutely everything in the universe is energy. Remember Einstein’s equation E=mc2? This is another way of explaining that all is energy. Despite the fact that many people are familiar with the formula, few people realize its important implication. I feel that in the near future this concept will begin to seep its way into the common language of most
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 46
If you have spent the majority of your life vibrating at a certain level, then this vibrational frequency emanates from your subconscious mind. Remember the subconscious mind is like the autopilot system that sends out vibrations that continuously creates your reality on a regular basis. As a result, the subconscious mind has a certain momentum to it. In order to manifest beyond your current subconscious vibrational level, you must raise your vibration and start training your subconscious mind to think differently.
Women and Spirituality Conference 2019
Come join me in Rochester, MN for the 38th Annual Women and Spirituality Conference. It will be a weekend of renewal, healing and growth. There will be vendors and numerous presentations, all designed to help you in your spiritual journey. My presentation, Spirituality and Nutrition, will be on Sunday the 22nd. This presentation is based on my upcoming book, titled Nutrition and the Law of Attraction. This book will shine a new light on how we view nutrition and is expected to be released in November 2019.
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 45
The more you can relax, the more quickly energy blockages can be removed. Energy blockages caused by your thoughts, conscious and subconscious, prevent you from obtaining true health. The more you relax (body and mind), the more you allow the higher vibrations of source energy to bring healing to you. Another way to look at this is to think about the process as going into a “relaxation tunnel”. Your optimal state of being is on the other end of the tunnel where the light is shining bright. The
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 44
Our teachings are meant to encourage you to find your own unique path to healing. What you are led to do will undoubtedly be different than what someone else is led to do. You are all different; try to remember that when comparing your healing journey. In fact it is best not to even compare. It is best to spend your time focused on what is best for yourself and allow others to do the same. When you try to force someone into your way of believing, you
Spiritual Healing Tips #2
As we have discussed before, developing a relationship with your source is important for many reasons. It is important in bringing you closer to your true essence. It is important in consciously creating using the Law of Attraction. It is important in giving you a sense of purpose. It is also important in helping to guide you.
One simple way in which you can start developing a relationship with your source is to ask for daily inspiration. When you get daily inspiration it can go a long way
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 43
Relying on spiritual guidance can be one of the most challenging parts of healing with the law of attraction; challenging from the perspective that it may take you out of your comfort zone. Most people have it ingrained in them, that they must rely on the logical, well researched, scientific approach to healing. We challenge you to start relying on the answers and guidance from within......from your source.
Relying solely on the intellectual mind generally causes confusion for the average person. This is because there is so much
Webinar - The Role of the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind plays a critical role in both the asking and allowing aspects of the law of attraction. It is not your conscious thoughts, but your subconscious thoughts that hold the key to your transformation.
Join me for a 30-minute webinar as I discuss the subconscious mind and how it has either been helping you or hindering you from the life you desire. Remember we are creative beings, living in a world where thoughts are important. As a result, mastering your thoughts can prove to be the
Law of Attraction Weekly Thought 42
We cannot emphasize enough how important it is to have fun getting healthy. I know you may be thinking that your health situation is far too serious for you to be lighthearted about it. In some respects this is a valid point, but in other respects it can be detrimental. This is because most people tend to cause more resistance and blockages, when they are very serious and trying to make something happen. At the very least, if you cannot be lighthearted about it, surrender to it. Don’t