What time of day is the best time to meditate?

The best time of day to meditate will be the best time for you. This, of course, will vary from person to person. If you choose a time that is best for you, then you are more inclined to meditate on a regular basis. This is key to reaping the benefits of meditation, which are many. Meditation has been shown to relieve stress and anxiety, enhance concentration, improve your health as well as manage pain.


Best time of day to meditate

Keep in mind though, that although your initial schedule may not accommodate a regular meditation practice, there are some steps you can take to bring about a shift in your schedule to open up space to meditate. I will address this in another blog.


As we have established, the best time to meditate is the best time for you, however, you may still need some more guidance. Below you will find some advice to consider when trying to choose.


Morning Meditation

Your morning routine can set the tone for the day. If you start the day feeling relaxed and focused, this is bound to affect how you deal with any situations that arise. If waking up a little earlier to get some quiet time for meditation seems daunting, there are several things you can do to get yourself into the routine. I will address this is another blog.


Night time Meditation

Your night time routine sets the tone for the morning and as we know this can affect the tone for the rest of the day. For instance, if you have a good night of sleep and wakeup refreshed, you will be in a better mood. When you are in a better mood, your day just seems to go better. You are able to react from a perspective of a better state of mind.


Lunch-time Meditation

People normally eat lunch in the middle of their workday so meditating during this time is a perfect way to boost your productivity. It can relieve you from any stress that has been built up before this point and it can focus & rejuvenate you for the remaining day.


End of Workday

De-stressing and leaving the work at the office is a great reason to meditate after work. It allows you to let go of the workday and to focus your attention on the present moment. You want to be able to enjoy each and every moment without brooding on what happened at work. It is a natural way to create a boundary between your work and personal life.


If the following suggestions spark more questions for you, please feel free to ask in our new Meditation Discussion forum


Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela Pierce

Shawngela is a spiritual healer, podcaster, and author from Sedona, Arizona. Shawngela helps those who seek to heal by learning to embrace their spiritual power and connect to the voice within. She invites you to see yourself in a new spiritual light. You can manifest health if you awaken to your power and allow it to guide you. Schedule a session with Shawngela and find out how the power to heal lies within you.

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